Sunday, March 28, 2010

Meet the Fam!

Welcome to my blog of Elizabehtown College's Blue Jay Softball team! I'm so excited to share with all of you my experiences as a Blue Jay athlete! And let me tell you, I've had some very exciting experiences on the softball team thus far, and they've only gotten better! First, let me give you some of my background information and then I'll fill you in on my wonderful team!

I first started playing tee-ball when I was 6! When I was about 10 years old I became interested in pitching, thus starting my long and memorable journey as a softball pitcher. After enrolling in private and group pitching lessons, my dad noticed that I began surpassing my teammates and opponents in the league I had been playing in, as far as talent. So at age 12 I tried out for my first tournament team called Chaos!

It was a completely higher level of talent than the town league I had played for, but nothing I couldn't handle! Tournament softball was extremely time consuming but I decided at a young age to dedicated myself to the sport since I had enjoyed it so much. I ended up switching to a different team called Delco Rage, which I eventually stayed with from age 14 to 18.

Looking back, some of my most fondest memories were playing with my teammates from Rage, who I am still very close with. Along with being the starting pitcher for Rage, I was also the starting varsity pitcher for my high school for 3 years!

During a college showcase tournament for Rage, I was scouted by the head coach for Elizabethtown College's softball team and soon after received an e-mail from her asking if I would be interested in playing for the school! After a few meetings and overnights, I gladly agreed and enrolled in Elizabethtown College with the privilege of being one of the starting pitchers as a freshman!

My first year as a college softball player was scary, yet exciting! It was a whole new level of talent and commitment than anything I had been involved in before. However, I was determined to give it my all. I shared the mound with another freshman pitcher. It was a difficult adjustment since there wasn't an older pitcher on the team to receive advice from, and although at times I struggled, it was a good first experience.

Now, as a sophomore, and with one year under my belt, I am confident in myself, and my team. Although the other pitcher transferred to another school, we gained a new freshman pitcher who has become one of my best friends. I'm glad I can teach her the things I had to learn on my own.

Now let me describe my team to you! This year, our head coach, Kathy Staib, did an EXCELLENT job recruiting 8 new freshman! Every girl is not only extremely talented, but they all have amazing personalities as well! Throughout pre-season, the
whole team grew as one and became extremely close. We all have a bond that is rare in a team. I am truly blessed to have had the opportunity to play with these girls.

Everyone has a different personality that adds to the team. We all pick each other up when we notice one is down, and most importantly we stick together even during the tough times. You know you're on a unique team when everyone refers to the team as a whole, as "family".

There is one special thing we do before games and when times may be tough during a game. We all huddle together, place our hands on top of each others in the middle, and after our captains say a few words of encouragement, I whisper, "1,2,3 family" (the whole team says family in whispers together) and then our captain yells, "HERE WE GO JAYS" (and the whole team yells JAYS!) Sounds a little cheesy reading about it, but when your in the moment, it reminds us all that even through the tough times were there for each other.

Well, now that you have a better understanding of myself and my team, I hope you look forward to future posts about funny and interesting things that go on during practices and games! And let me tell you, my team is hilarious! In addition, I'll keep you updated on our games! I hope reading about us encourages you to check out a game! I promise you wont regret it! :)