Thursday, April 8, 2010

Lady Jays Stay Hot Throughout Start of Season

It has been a challenging few weeks in the world of Blue Jay softball. With our current record of 10-7-1, the Lady Jays have proven themselves to be a top competitor in their conference. The girls came out strong at the start of the season, beating Gettysburg College for the first time in years. Following a big win against the Bullets, the girls continued to play strong, sweeping Swarthmore College and scoring 14 runs in 2 games.

Extending their unbeaten streak to eight games, the girls then swept Alvernia University in a Commonwealth Conference doubleheader. Freshman pitcher Emily Vogel carried the Blue Jays on the mound only allowing 2 runs and 6 hits throughout both games. Speaking to Emily the following day, I asked her if she could explain what her mindset was going into the day, knowing she had to pitch two conference games.

"Well, you (refering to sophomore pitcher Julie Sebastian) couldn't be there for family reasons,
so I just knew I had to give it my all and get a win for you and the team. The outcome of both games were in my hands so I just made sure I tried my hardest on every pitch I threw and didn't leave anything behind on the mound," said Vogel.

Privileged to play on this amazing team, I was able to snag interviews with some of the other players including Junior captain Shannon Marsico. Curious to find out Marsico's views on our strong team, I asked her how she thinks this years team differers from last years team?

"I really think it's our chemistry," said Marsico. "I've never been on a team that was this close. I mean we not only consider ourselves a family, but call ourselves a family to. That should show you right there how much we care about each other and as a result, we play better together."
That simply is proof right there that good chemistry between teammates truly does influence the outcome of games. Pulling head coach Katy Staib aside after the exciting win against Alvernia College, I asked her what she feels is the main reason behind the team's wins.

"It definitely has to do with the strong bond these girls have," said Staib. "When you can get a team to not only pick each other up when a player is down, but stay confident and positive even when situations get tough, then you have a truly gifted team. Thats what we have this year."

Unfortunately after one more extraordinary win against Moravian College, the Blue Jays fell to their rivals Messiah College and again to Lebanon Valley College. The girls battled throughout both games, but in the end struggled to get the necessary hits to put runs on the scoreboard.

"Those losses will only make us stronger," said senior captain Sarah Church. "Every game is a learning experience and as long as the girls learn from mistakes that were made during this game and capitalize on them next year, then today was definitely beneficial to us all."

In the upcoming week, the Lady Jays will be facing Albright College in a Conference double header and will also be playing DeSales University. Speaking with a group of the girls, I asked them what should be expected by spectators in the upcoming week? Shouting above everyone, freshman catcher Caroline Schuster yelled with excitement, "They should expect to see WINS! Duh!!" Laughter arose as the girls began to pump themselves up for their next game.
As I watched my team bond with laugher and words of encouragement for one another, I realized once again how special this team really is. Even after four losses in a row, I still saw the drive to win in each player's eyes. Throughout our lowest points we continue to play not only as a strong team, but as a strong "family".

If you would like to learn more about the Lady Jays, or see the results of their upcoming games, check out their website at Blue Jay Softball.